
The Benefits of Technology

I probably bag on “technological advancements” and ND’s use of them a lot. Granted, that’s because ND tends not to use them in a quality manner. But never let it be said I’m not willing to consider some of the positive things technology can do for the ND game experience. One of the issues I…

Full Notre Dame Column

Cowardice and Greed

I’ve had some time to reflect on Saturday night and what it meant to Notre Dame both on and off the field. No doubt there were benefits derived from our game against Washington State. I certainly enjoyed seeing us run roughshod over an opponent for a change, although that had more to do with the…

Full Notre Dame Column

21st Century Irish

I’ve long pushed for Notre Dame to enter the 21st century and take advantage of technological opportunities to make the fan experience better. I’m also a staunch opponent of any kind of “big screen” in Notre Dame Stadium, preferring those who want the entertainment to provide for themselves rather than affect my game experience. So…

Full Notre Dame Column