
Rest In Peace, FHSU

Long-time poster Jonny May, better known on the boards as FHSU Irish, lost his battle with cancer today at the age of 27. Jon shared his stories with the NDN community and was an inspiration to many. Our prayers are with his family. For those unfamiliar with his story, you can read about it on…

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Goodbye George

NDN regulars may remember the name George Porter-Young. Last April, an article in the Observer talked about his battle with bone cancer and the fact that he hadn’t been home to England in 42 years. A number of posters on the site participated in a funding drive to allow George one final visit with his…

Full Notre Dame Column

Merry Christmas

Early as it may be, on behalf of Michael, Scott and John, I’d like to wish our readers a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Here’s to health, happiness, and good discussions in 2009.

Memo to Jack: Fix It

For those who do not frequent the NDNation message boards, this was posted by a former Notre Dame player as a commentary on the current state of the program. I don’t post to NDNATION often, but read it daily. Before anyone dismisses this as another “internet wacko” post, know this… I am a proud member…

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