notre dame football

The Benefits of Technology

I probably bag on “technological advancements” and ND’s use of them a lot. Granted, that’s because ND tends not to use them in a quality manner. But never let it be said I’m not willing to consider some of the positive things technology can do for the ND game experience. One of the issues I…

Full Notre Dame Column

My Stop’s Coming Up

Slowly but surely, the new FieldTurf is being laid at Notre Dame Stadium. As the pictures inexorably wend their way through various social media outlets, one can see how the structure of the new field will look. I know there are those upset about the turf, and I confess a preference for grass myself. But…

Full Notre Dame Column

Tim Brown Appearing in Chicago

ESPN Chicago’s Lunch with a Legend series for June has a Notre Dame flavor to it.  Heisman Trophy winner Tim Brown will be the guest at the station’s June 24th event at Morton’s The Steakhouse in Schaumburg at 11:15am. TB will talk about his experiences at Notre Dame and Oakland, and his new book, The…

Full Notre Dame Column

Enter At Our Own Risk

Let’s face it, in my lexicon, “excellence” is to “Ann Arbor” as “taste” is to “Kardashian”. Unless we’re talking about things like this or this or this, of course … one must recognize facts when they’re presented, after all. But today my hat must tip, because this morning I read an article in the Ann…

Full Notre Dame Column

A (Cross) Road Not Taken

Notre Dame recently announced the Crossroads Project, a combination of Stadium enhancement and academic building expansion initiative, but long time NDNation contributor Tim Kress (aka NDRoman21) has a better approach. Here’s his story. A little over four years ago, when the discussions of a JumboTron in Notre Dame Stadium were gaining steam, I put together…

Full Notre Dame Column