
The Old-School Season

We’re considered old school here at NDN, and there’s nothing more old school than the season prediction magazines that are a staple of the late summer.  To spend some hours diving in depth into Notre Dame’s season four weeks before it unfolds allows fans to satisfy that football jones that has lay dormant since the…

Full Notre Dame Column

Back to the Future

Regardless of what the calendar said, I always knew college football season was coming when the preview magazines hit the shelves. If we were up at the lake, I’d duck in to the drugstore to grab them all off the shelf and spend glorious hours pouring over them on the porch. Prior to the days…

Full Notre Dame Column

21st Century Irish

I’ve long pushed for Notre Dame to enter the 21st century and take advantage of technological opportunities to make the fan experience better. I’m also a staunch opponent of any kind of “big screen” in Notre Dame Stadium, preferring those who want the entertainment to provide for themselves rather than affect my game experience. So…

Full Notre Dame Column