will fuller

The Anatomy of a Blown Call

The game is over and the heartbreak has set in as has the anger in NDNation.  And while a loss won’t be reversed, perception will play a large role in the selection of the committee in the first final four of college football.  That committee should be aware that the interference call that cost Notre…

Full Notre Dame Column

The Thrill is Back

Last night was a bitter pill for the Irish faithful, and a night’s rest and some prayerful meditation has not made it taste any better. But it has allowed me to find the silver lining. As I (because I lack a better word for it) stormed home from the gamewatch last night, I fumed about…

Full Notre Dame Column

Three Yards and a Cloud of Controversy

Notre Dame’s heroic attempt at a game-winning drive in the final seconds came up empty when an apparent touchdown by Corey Robinson was negated by offensive pass interference, and the Irish fell by 31-27 to Florida State in a hard fought contest on Saturday night. The Seminoles had staged their own comeback in the second…

Full Notre Dame Column

Wonder, Think & Know: Admiral Ackbar Edition

Mike Royko never said, “Some things you wonder, some things you think, and some things you just know”. He might have said some of the unprintable things I said while watching the game, though. Probably while watching Cubs games. I’ve never seen two teams work harder to give each other the game. Final score notwithstanding,…

Full Notre Dame Column