Brey Staying, Scott Going

Multiple published reports indicate that Mike Brey will not be meeting with officials from the University of Maryland regarding their open head coaching position.  By doing so, Brey seemingly is eschewing an opportunity to pursue what has been reported as being his “dream job” with the Terrapins.

It does seem, though, there will be an unexpected departure from last year’s team after all.  Senior forward Carleton Scott has decided to keep his name in the NBA draft rather than return to Notre Dame for his final year of eligibility.  NDNation congratulates Scott on his graduation in two weeks, and wishes him luck in his professional career.


15 thoughts on “Brey Staying, Scott Going

  1. “Disappointing Performance Ends Notre Dame’s Season” has been an all too familiar Headline! I was hoping for Brey to move on to Maryland or anywhere…. And take his “Coach of the Year” trophies with him.

  2. Scranton Dave says:

    Wow really a68domer? Do you have any idea how much last years team overachieved? Do you remember what ND hoops was like before Brey? The Carleton Scott decision is mind blowing, since I read that one service has him ranked as the 120th best prospect. He very likely doesnt get drafted, and I think there is something here that we dont know.

    • martinjordan says:

      Brey must have done something right. Hansborough and Abromaitis were 2 star prospects coming out of high school. Nash and Scott were 3 star prospects. Martin was a 4 star but coming off major knee surgery.

  3. A.P. Coach of the Year,Big East Coach of the Year.Tell me, how many of the the top 100 recruits in the country are coming to Notre Dame to play for this great coach? None that I know of.It is lunacy to think that the only man on the planet who can coach the Irish to any success is Mike Brey.Individual awards for Brey mean nothing without post season advancement.How many final fours, how many elite eights, how many sweet sixteens,how many N.C.A.A. tournament wins? Heck, how many Big East tournament championships? In my opinion, Brey has “settled in” at Notre Dame.He has it made, and he feels no pressure to do any better.I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

  4. Scranton Dave says:

    Ed, ask yourself why there are not many top 100 recruits. Subpar facilities and higher academic standards. How many top 100 kids each year would even be admitted to Notre Dame? Maybe the Rock can help me out with this one. I disagree that he has “settled in”. Recruiting has picked up recently with Grant, Atkins, Connaughton, Katenda and Biedschied. None of those are one and done types, but they are higher rated then what we have been getting lately.

  5. I think Brey has been fine as a head coach and I agree this year’s team over-achieved (during the regular season). They get to the Tourney every once in a while, but he has never made it past the Big East Semis (0-4) and never past the second round of the NCAA Tourney. If the school is satisfied with a mediocre hoops team, Brey has the job as long as he wants. But, if ND ever wants to be truly relevant on the national stage, they will need to replace him with someone who can recruit rock stars to ND. You don’t need 20 guys a year for a quality hoops team. Just 1 or 2 top players per year. Brey has never been able to do that, and probably won’t in the future.

    • You realize that being in the BE semis means you’re pretty much one of the top four teams out of a 16-team league that is rated one of the toughest in the nation, right?

      With the academic restrictions in place, the number of “rock stars” is going to have a very low ceiling no matter who the coach is.

      • Guys, we will never agree.Please explain to me Brey’s lack of success in the post season?Answer the question?I guess every top 100 recruit is a total idiot who can’t qualify for Notre Dame- yet they do qualify for Duke,Vandy,Stanford etc.. Did we not just re-do our arena? I don’t think he is a very good salesperson for what Notre Dame has to offer.I believe he goes after his ‘kind of guy”, and never makes the effort needed to recruit a difference maker.Don’t get me wrong.He is a decent man and a very good coach in the regular season.But it’s the same every year in the post-season.I see nothing to indicate that Brey is taking a hard look at himself to see what he can do to get to the next level.It’s nice to have these friendly arguments to distract from life’s real problems.
        However, forgive me if I get more excited about Muffet and her crew.At least they do something in the post season. Go Irish!
        Thanks for your time.

  6. Scranton Dave says:

    Never past the second round of the NCAA tourney is innacurate. They made the Sweet 16 in 2003.

  7. Once every 20 or 30 years or so ND might make the men’s final 4 but they will NEVER win it all. Just ain’t going to happen.

    Hope I’m wrong

  8. Duke, Stanford and Notre Dame. One of these schools does not have the basketball tradition of the others and I’m afraid it is us.

    I understand the frustration of the post season disappointments but really, we get there with Brey and we are one good tourney run away from Brey being a genius. Don’t be so quick to dump a guy who has great success, runs a great program, and produces graduates we can all be proud of.

  9. Scranton Dave says:

    Great post kmjackson! Don’t get me wrong, I cant even put into words how hard it was for me to deal with the Florida St loss because I loved this team more than any other ND hoops team since I have been following ( since the early 80s) the program. Brey is doing a great job, and hopefully that tourney run will come at some point.

    This year will be tougher without Scott, but we have a nice core of young players in Atkins, Grant, Cooley, with Connaughton, Katenda and Biedscheid coming, plus the Mich St transfer Sherman.

  10. I stand corrected – but also validated – about Coach Brey and the state of ND Basketball. The majority of ND Nation only sees basketball as the “horse holder” until football begins!