"Great" bands/singers you dislike.
by Bruno95 (2019-05-09 11:20:51)

A few thoughts:

1. Each of the following has made an undeniable impact on culture, and I do not consider any of them to be "shit" or to "suck." I simply don't like them that much.

2. Corollary: to include any of them, they must first reasonably qualify as a great band. This doesn't have to be limited to a ten-band pantheon, but they have to arguably be great. Mumford and Sons has no place here.

With that, great bands or artists I don't like.

Fleetwood Mac
The Clash
Steely Dan
Lou Reed/Velvet Underground
David Bowie
The Beach Boys
The Beastie Boys
The Kinks
Stevie Wonder
