Not a 9/11 story but a Notre Dame story.
by SanBarIRish (2018-09-11 23:38:17)
Edited on 2018-09-11 23:40:54

In reply to: Muffet McGraw and 9/11  posted by RISteve

Years ago a young man from California flew to Notre Dame to begin his freshman year. Since it is an all-day trip, he arrived late in the afternoon of the day before registration.

When he tried to get into Alumni Hall, he found all the doors locked. It was nervous time. Walking around the building, he noticed there was a ramp in the back going down to a cellar He walked down the ramp and hallelujah. The door was unlocked.

As he was wondering around the hall, he ran into two RAs who asked what he was doing. When he told them his story, they welcomed him with open arms to ND.

They found him a room for the night and took him out for pizza. That was his first night on campus, which he has never forgotten. One of the RAs was Jimmy Dunne.