A&M is in the $EC. Honest recruiting is an oxymoron in $EC.
by hibernianangst (2019-10-04 15:10:32)
Edited on 2019-10-04 18:53:55

In reply to: Is it negative recruting if she's just honest about  posted by TWO

Has Nixon ever said publicly stated why she left?

Why would she publically do that?
by TWO  (2019-10-04 19:52:38)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

It's in her best interests to just say she's leaving and leave it at that. Nothing to be gained by trashing ND as a school, Coach McGraw as a coach or the program in general.

Privately though if a recruit asked her she might share her reasons.

I'm actually struggling to think of a player who left and said why she left beyond something like I felt like I needed a new start, or something else sort of benign.

Taya Reimer mentioned something about ND not being a family. *
by hibernianangst  (2019-10-05 10:49:46)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

Taya Reimer created the situation she complained about
by tedstheman  (2019-10-05 11:28:10)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

She wanted to make an on-court social justice statement and then was upset when she got push back. Anyone can have their beliefs but non-basketball issues should be kept off the court.

Muffet was OK with it
by WaxonWaxoff  (2019-10-06 02:14:04)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

but apparently not all the players

I'm a big Muffet fan but did not support the
by McLean_ND  (2019-10-06 11:22:45)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

players wearing "I Can't Breathe" shirts on the court. Simply a slippery slope that should have been avoided.

agree *
by WaxonWaxoff  (2019-10-08 22:37:09)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

It was downright stupid. *
by supernd  (2019-10-07 18:40:41)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post

Agree 100% *
by tedstheman  (2019-10-06 16:17:37)     cannot delete  |  Edit  |  Return to Board  |  Ignore Poster   |   Highlight Poster  |   Reply to Post