No. But for An Associate Head Coach, It Should Be Close...
by dillon77 (2020-05-13 10:31:16)

In reply to: Do you believe the 10 years experience is an absolute?  posted by NDoggie78

...after all, the associate head coach carries more responsbility and, hence, bigger salary.

But your point is valid: if there's someone who is a tad less than 10 years, but has many years of playing professionally and knocks the socks off the interview and/or Niele really wants her (proabably), then sure, it wouldn't be absolute.

But the fact that it's in there tells me that Niele does want an experienced coach.

I've got to think Niele wants to keep a young person around. As vibrant and youthful as she is, having a person under 30 is a good move for relating to players and families.

Stay tuned!
