10 years may be non-negotiable
by pablo (2020-05-13 11:14:05)

In reply to: No. But for An Associate Head Coach, It Should Be Close...  posted by dillon77

Having written a few position descriptions in my day, using the word "requirement" for 10 years is probably fixed. Typically, you use the word "preferred" if you want some wiggle room. It potentially gets sticky, and potentially litigious, if you want to hire someone with fewer than 10 years, but you have someone who has met the 10 year threshold in the applicant pool. I do agree with those who say NI probably has her coach picked out. It is not unusual to pick the person, and then write the description specifically to that person's qualifications to ensure the person is hired. It's a bit deceptive, and arguably unethical, and HR frowns on the practice. But, it happens often. Look for the person who matches this description to the letter, and that is likely the next coach.