
It’s Gru … er, Jackson

One of the very few downsides of ND’s football resurgence is it’s pushed the concept of multi-tasking to new boundaries for us. I certainly didn’t mean to give short shrift to Demetrius Jackson’s commitment to ND two weeks ago. For those of us watching the improvement in basketball recruiting in the wake of the renewed…

Full Notre Dame Column

Friends and Enemies

In preparation for Notre Dame’s admittance, the Atlantic Coast Conference has released the planned (lack of) scheduling shifts to accommodate the move. The biggest effect on ND will be in Men’s and Women’s Basketball, where the 18-game conference schedule will include five home-only opponents, five road-only opponents, two rotating home-and-home opponents, and two protected “partners”…

Full Notre Dame Column

Hanging Out with Jack

The Google Hangout with Jack Swarbrick came off well last night, with five participants (including yours truly) providing the conversational fodder for ND’s AD. My questions weren’t as edgy as the last time around, but the purpose is to get good answers, and I think all the panelists accomplished that. You can watch the broadcast…

Full Notre Dame Column

You Don’t Know What You’ve Got….

They say length doesn’t matter, but I beg to differ. In the 12 years I’ve been pushing the bits and bytes on NDNation and its progenitor sites, I’ve never spent as long a night posting headlines or seen a two-plus screen scroll list of articles. When Forbes and the Wall Street Journal are chiming in…

Full Notre Dame Column

Hanging Out with Jack

As you may have guessed if you’ve read NDN’s front page at all the past couple weeks, earlier this evening, Notre Dame athletic director Jack Swarbrick sat down with six folks from various ND-related electronic communities, one of whom was yours truly. For an hour, Jack responded to our questions, follow-ups, and in general shared…

Full Notre Dame Column