mike elko

The Eyes Have It

Last November after watching Mike Brey’s crew take care of the DePaul Blue Demons, Kayo and I (along with a couple other NDN denizens) repaired up Michigan Avenue to Kroll’s to watch what we hoped would be a similar dismantling of the Miami Hurricanes by a highly-ranked Irish football squad.  We all know how that…

Full Notre Dame Column

Notes from the Geetar: Khaki? I Hardly Knew Ye Edition

The sun shines brighter today, food tastes better, and I have a spring in my step. Wolverine tears really do make the world go ’round. As Kayo said in this week’s RKC, an offense built on broken plays is not sustainable. Given Michigan’s defensive prowess and the absence of Dexter Williams, I’m more than willing…

Full Notre Dame Column

Wonder, Think & Know: Thanksgiving edition

Even if Mike Royko had said “Some things you wonder, some things you think, and some things you just know”, there’s no way he would have said it about Thanksgiving.  Everyone knows what they’re thankful for today, and that includes yours truly.  So allow me to lay a little protocol on you, my audience, regarding…

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Wonder, Think & Know: What Time Is It Edition

One of these days, I’m going to figure out that Mike Royko never said, “Some things you wonder, some things you think, and some things you just know.” But I’m too delirious due to Daylight Saving Time to do it today. Or maybe it was watching Brandon Wimbush run. I know it’s one of the…

Full Notre Dame Column

Revisiting the Reboot

Jack Swarbrick threw around the word “Reboot” liberally this off-season which many jokingly (and to some extent justifiably) compared to what college students engage in the day after a binge weekend… just the college football coaching version.  What’s clear now is that the reboot has had a marked impact that has lifted the team from…

Full Notre Dame Column