Grinch Mood, Trolling etc.
by NYC Fan (2021-12-24 12:55:25)

In reply to: Really? In a Grinch Mood? Trolling?  posted by dillon77

Not you, but elsewhere are some ad hominem attacks, is that really necessary? Timing: I read the ESPN article only yesterday evening not long after it was posted. I agree with you that Seasons Greetings are warranted to one and all.

I've said before that I've been an ND fan since childhood and if I was around during Rockne days, I'd be there cheering via the best college fight song IMO. I watch the Gipper scene whenever shown. Having met some in business, I'm in admiration of the loyalty ND generates from its alums. So disagree with my views but kindly hold off "Troll" and bias accusations.

There's a BY element that regards any Geno critique right or wrong as near blasphemy, pointing to his 11 Titles, and asking how many titles has the poster won. Some Benchers have similar attitudes. During the preseason there were multiple posts criticizing MM's player handling and other issues near the end of her tenor and having left the program in tough shape. Why was it acceptable to critique her then but not now?

As for Geno and UConn hold sway over the NCAA, really? Over ND? How to explain the Jessica Shepherd transfer and immediate eligibility - without whom ND would have had a tough time winning that championship - while Westbrook's transfer required sitting out a year as was the rule?

As for Ducharme being #41, yes, but in the link provided that same sentence included " one time..." Come-on!

Geno is very much an acquired taste, has his worts, and they're not attractive. Yet I also note that Chris Daily has been with him for some 35 years, and his player alums are fiercely loyal to them as well. I would never expect Domers to like him.

In my first post I mentioned being a UConn fan, and appreciated being welcomed to post here. Did I spray paint "Touchdown Jesus" with graffiti by pointing out it was unbecoming for a great HofF coach to go off the way she did and merit being disinvited?
