I still wish I had saved that thread. I used to pull it up every once in a while for a laugh, but a board nuke banished it to my memory only.
Maybe not the funniest, but it is almost as old as sprack.
On two non-consecutive occasions
in person, they would say “You’re not that old”. Nobody says that anymore for some reason.
Well played
More like a curse. Maybe the thing that started civilation's long slide into the next Dark Age.
To my memory (always a challenge) he just kept continually posting links to his page multiple times a day. After being reminded multiple times to limit the self promotion, it seemed that he was unwilling to abide by the terms. The spinning ND's then forever ceased.
But IrishApache rupturing his eardrum while putting his pet rabbit out of its misery was pretty memorable.
shared. Inquiring minds need to know
Or was going to buy one. That was quite a while ago. but the replies were classic.
Or did he get the name wrong?
how about Boi From Troi?
By the way, this is an HOF post.
His videos were pure gold.
here but had no idea which poster was his son?
Wasn’t really a meme - but certainly hilarious
I think we all just added the THE.
If I remember correctly, he posted for years and one day someone mentioned the missing "the" and it surprised many.
Did no one say this, or did I just miss it reading on the phone?
there are so many...hard to pick.
Two funniest incidents were:
3 legged dog
90mph fists into 70mph man tits (give the kid credit, it was hilarious)
so many HM's, there are just too many to note
"Typical UM douchebag". Maybe he and Kovach can get into business together.
"Greetings, Pleasantries, & Salutations!
Welcome to my home page. My name is Todd Richard Branch
(nicknamed "Styles").
I was born on August 30, 1971, in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. I am the eldest son of Les & Sharon, and I have one brother, who is four years my junior, named Tim. I would also like to mention my grandmother, Margaret Johns (whom I call "Nan"), and my aunt, Donna Johns (whom I call "Ciss"), who is married to Henry Szymanski. The rest of my in-laws--or outlaws, as some of them should be more appropriately referred to as--really aren't worth noting here. However, I do have a number of friends who are very near and dear to me that I would like acknowledge: Erwin & Shelly Delarmente, Donald & Michelle Fetter, Chuck Hunter, Michael Kopinak, Michael & Sara Rumsey, Brandon & Marilee Stander, and Laila Velocci. Without a doubt, you could search the world over from now until the end of humanity and never find people with more dynamic personalities, incredible strength of character, or indefatigable spirits, than the aforementioned ladies and gentlemen.
Well now that you know the basic "formalities", let me tell you about some of my personal thoughts and feelings which will hopefully give you a better understanding of my character:
In many ways, I think of myself as the last of a dying breed--a species near extinction: a scholar and a gentleman, a knight and a warrior. I think that the only "true" men are self-made. I believe in saying "yes please" and "no thank you." I think you should look people straight in the eye when you speak to them and tell them nothing but the truth at all times; a real man wears polished wingtips and never lets his hair get long enough to touch his collar; he writes with a gold fountain pen and tells time with a gold watch; his suits are dark and made to measure; his shirts are white and pressed with french cuffs; he has a firm handshake and a warm smile; he never treats a lady with anything other than respect, and he commands respect from others; he never lets a friend down or an enemy get up; he kisses his mother whenever he sees her, and he always abides by his father's rules; he is proud of his achievements yet humble before God; he salutes the flag and upholds human rights; he buys anything that small children are selling, and he is thankful for all gifts that he receives; he is passionate about life, but he is willing to die for a just cause; he is hard enough to kill and soft enough to love; he is tempered by adversity and proven in crises; he has gravel in his gut and spit in his eye; he plays to win; he walks the talk; he toes the line; he goes the distance; he speaks his mind; he casts his vote; his word is his bond; and he fights the good fight--no matter what! True men have courage, charisma, character, class, and style.
Furthermore, I believe that life has but a few simple pleasures, some of which include: money, power, golf, sailing, flying, and friendship. I like red meat, fast cars, beautiful women, well-aged wine, fine cigars, and a good fight. I have a very obnoxious, cocky, and arrogant personality. I am pretentious and materialistic. I don't trust too many people. I think that you're well advised to "cover your ass" at all times. And I must agree with the majority of Machiavelli's thoughts on life.
In general, I would say that I'm the kind of guy most people love to hate, though they respect my forthright style and uncompromising honesty. Those closest to me would no doubt describe me as overly ambitious--driven beyond reason and sanity. Nevertheless, I'm sure that my friends would also state that a hopeless romantic at heart--if given the right circumstances. "You just have to get to know him."
I do not believe that all people are equal. The notion that no one, individual life is worth any more or any less than another is absolutely absurd. However, I do believe that all people were created with the potential to be equal. And it is each and every person's "potentialities"--the potential to learn; the potential to grow; the potential do good; the potential to teach, to share, to give, to question, to dream, to care, to help, to love--that give value and meaning and to an individual's life. It is society's, as well as our own personal, awesome reponsibility, to ensure that every living man, woman and child, be given the chance to fully realize his or her potentialties--to completely develop one's character, to maximize life's experiences, and to achieve personal fulfillment and inner peace. Thus, I am firmly committed to guaranteeing that all persons should have access to the same resources and be granted equal opportunities.
Life is what you make of it. It has nothing to do with fate, destiny, luck, the environment, four-leaf clovers, lucky rabbits' feet, black magic, the alignment of the stars and planets, or any other type of clandestine force. Each of us has our own wide-open pasture to do with as we see fit. But in effect, to find true happiness, we have to be willing to plant the seeds and then nurture their growth:
As Anthony Robbins has put it: "What would happen if you went to the soil and said, "Give me some plants. Give me some fruit."? -- The soil would probably respond by saying, "Excuse me, sir, but you're a little confused. You must be new here; that's not the way the game is played." Then it would explain that you have to plant the seeds. You have to water them and till the soil. You have to fertilize them. You have to protect them and nurture them and take care of them. And only then--providing you do it well--will you get your plants or your fruit sometime in the future--maybe. You could ask of the pasture forever, but it wouldn't change things. You have to keep giving, keep trying, keep working, to have just a chance--just a chance --of reaping any bounty. Life is exactly the same way." In other words, to get more out of life, you have to give more of yourself.
Life is a fight, a struggle, a never-ending battle. And most of the time it's not fair or easy or just. Nevertheless, you still have choices you can make: You can choose to participate, or you can choose to spectate. You can choose to try, or you can choose to quit. You can choose to care, or you can choose to be apathetic. I choose to participate. I choose to try. I choose to care. My advice to you is this: whatever you choose, choose wisely.
Todd Richard Branch "
I apologize for the self-nomination, but I tell my wife every time it gets mentioned back here and she gets fired up. Good times.
I guess I now know the resolution. For some reason, I had always thought that was the last post from the pizza crust poster.
I won't use his actual name (although my recollection was it was used back in the day), but IrishTrojan had takes on the ability to root for both USC and Notre Dame in the early 2000s that were not, shall we say, well received by the Board. Led to forays into his weather blogging and, for reasons I forget, his fiancee (although my memory was somehow he introduced her into the conversation). It was an early intro for me into the relentless humor of this Board when it gets going.
Spurred by the nostalgia of this thread, I went to check out Irishtrojan.com to see what was doing, but was taken to what I can only describe as a Japanese-language office furniture website.
There was a blog to counteract his, so to speak, on Blogspot back then. It was called the Leahy Lounge. That had to be the work of someone here, right?
He used to end all his posts “Fight on and Cheer, Cheer”.
And Probably the all time lowest ratio of followers to # of tweets on the platform
He has a TikTok
Wonder if he still wears those?
Least significant broadcasts……
This thread is really going to improve the run game
stories. Or drilling holes in walls to find hamsters.
of course, there were hookers at a few of those parties, but none of them was my SIL41 (still a whore, mind you).
the bachelorette party incident.
That was John & Ellie.
Then there was the "driving to Indianapolis" guy. That one wasn't quite as outrageous.
Edit: I just looked, and we DID get an update in June: they're still married.
I remember a thread that involved someone being forced to move to either abandon or support a family business - for some reason I think it was a lighting business? The guy's fiancee or wife was involved. I can't remember if she was gaslighting him or the other way around, but I thought it was a pretty interesting one.
What exactly was that one?
She, and her family, required that he abandon his role in a four-generation family business because it was vital that she continue to live in majestic Indianapolis.
I hate to give Across credit, but these were fabulous and heartwarming
Never ceases to amaze me how clever so many of you can be.
Also… dibs (not one we’ve seen recently).
You all just lost
I remember the origins of most of these. Not nearly as popular, but I always laugh at the thought of 2sheds use of chia seeds and Night Train Fortified Wine to stay drunk during games.
As was The Fake Turk
Should I buy, I mean start, a second one for all the extra replies?
Turned into a lifelong friendship with KSQ and Potatohouse and others and a biannual weekend highlight. Where else but NDN?
Almost everyone does.
make-up sex, tired SNL gags (Francisco Franco is till dead, Keef lives, Sprack's age, black shoes with brown slacks or whatever, Here come the Amish (hockey), LL defense strategies, OK Boomer
birthday this year. My 41 year old ex-roommate who held a 15 year old birthday party for him is still single, which is surprising because she is very pretty.
A wise woman told me this means 1 of 2 things, career or shit-show.
i can’t verify
“Business Casual” by czarobski (link)
The game has changed over the years and penalties are now rare. Also I seem to recall there was a trend of posts with ( . )( . ) and ASCII variations of this as indicators in what might pop up in the full message.
Have I missed the Rickroll, African watering hole, gif of beating the dead horse, and two girls one cup. I never saw the last one, but I read about it.
...wrote in seminary in which he demonstrated NDN is its own subculture with unique linguistics and other cultural traits.
Surprised no one has mentioned seppuku
I still think that’s the funniest thing I’ve seen here (followed by winterceltic).
I cant gag.
I know what it means, but how did it start?
I should have mentioned your SIL.
or the classic SMAP
It’s a local call
SMA,P - you need the comma for full impact
But the list goes on…
Railroad Exchange Building that is what it is called now.
He gave two towels to the guys he liked, such as my roommate. He gave me only one of those poor excuses of a towel.
Frequently, on my way to lunch to the North Dining Hall after PE, during that winter of ‘67, my wet hair would have ice on it by the time I entered the dining hall for my wonderful midday repast.
- infinitely and eternally. It's true!
right vs. wrong dichotomy, but an entire spectrum of wrongness in which he will eternally exist. Thank you for catching the error and bringing it to my attention.